Hydrogen Peroxide - in dogs this is like Ipecac. Use it to induce
vomiting after accidental injestion - 10 ccs by mouth every 15 minutes until desired effect is produced.
BUFFERED ASPRIN - use for pain relief or for the anti-inflammatory effects
- give 5 mg per pound of body weight twice a day.
BENADRYL - great for allergic reactions, insect stings, severe itching.
I recommend the liquid version its much easier to give.
KAOPECTATE - used to stop diarrhead. This is used instead of Pepto
due to it containing aspirn which can cause stomach problems - give 1 cc per pound of body weight every 2 hours untill diarrhea
stops. Note: can cause the stools to become dark in color. This is normal.
EPINEPHRINE - This is given to treat severe allergic reactions that cause
anaphalaxis. Use this as a last resort. Try using the benadryl first. This must be given very carefully
as it elevates heart levels and if given in overdose can be very dangerous. I would consult a vet when giving Epinephrine
- give 1/4 - 1/2 or less cc injected intramuscularly.
DRAMAMINE - Used to combat motion sickness. Note: This will make your
dog very drowsy. Also you can not use this product when shipping a dog via airlines - You can give up to 50
mg evry eight hours.
Ginger - can also be used to combact motion sickness in dogs and is
more gentle and natural
Mineral Oil- can be used to combat constipation in dogs - give up to 4 tablespoons
daily until condition is reversed.
Canned Plain Pumpkin - can also be used to combat constipation in dogs -
give 1 tablespoon twice a day until the problem is relieved.
Digel - Liquid form can be give to help with gas and as an antacid
- give up to 4 tablespoons 3 times a day.